Name of panelist:Prof. Dr. Bedir Tekinerdogan
PSP title:
From complexity to intelligence: Multi-paradigm modeling for next-generation CPS
PSP abstract:
Multi-paradigm modeling is a critical aspect of the design and development of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). It enables the integration of diverse modeling domains, including physical, mathematical, and computational models, to create a comprehensive and accurate representation of the system's behavior. However, integrating multiple paradigms presents several challenges, such as the integration of heterogeneous models, ensuring proper verification and validation, meeting real-time performance requirements, and managing the computational resources. In addition to these challenges, there is a clear trend towards transforming CPS into intelligent and autonomous systems, leveraging advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning. While AI can offer solutions and enhance the performance of CPS, it can also add to the complexity and introduce new challenges. The use of AI in CPS requires careful consideration and a thorough understanding of its capabilities and limitations to ensure that it enhances the overall functionality of the system.
Short biography:
Prof. Tekinerdogan is a full professor and chair of the Information Technology group at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. He has more than 25 years of experience in software and systems engineering, and is the author of more than 400 peer-reviewed scientific papers in these domains. He has been active in dozens of national and international research and consultancy projects with various large software companies, whereby he has worked as a principal researcher, consultant and leading software/system architect. He has got broad experience in software and systems engineering in different domains such as consumer electronics, enterprise systems, automotive systems, critical infrastructures, cyber-physical systems, precision farming, etc. He has taken a holistic, systemic, and interdisciplinary approach to solving real industrial problems. With this, he has ample experience in software and systems architecting, software and systems product line engineering, cyber-physical systems, model-driven software engineering, aspect-oriented software engineering, global software development, systems engineering, system of systems engineering, data science, and artificial intelligence. He has developed and taught around 20 different academic courses and has provided many software/systems engineering courses to more than 50 companies in The Netherlands, Germany, India, and Turkey.
Prof. Dr. Bedir Tekinerdogan
Prof. Dr. Bedir Tekinerdogan
Wageningen University & Research
Droevendaalsesteeg 4
6708 PB Wageningen
The Netherlands
T +31 317 480 100