
SDPS 2016 Orlando will celebrate the 21st anniversary of the Society for Design and Process Science, on December 4-6, 2016 at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida. This conference will attract industrialists and academicians interested in transformative, transdisciplinary research from five different continents. We cordially invite all industries, governments, educational and research institutes, entrepreneurs, healthcare professionals and executives, educators, scientists, practitioners, and organizational leaders to participate in forging the research and development of transdisciplinary and integrative science. This conference explores the vast possibilities of highly complex systems that emerge from interconnected disciplinary foci of today’s science, medicine, and technology.

All submissions to SDPS Conference are peer reviewed and accepted papers will be published in SDPS conference proceedings, ISSN 1090-9389. They will be submitted to Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index™ (CPCI).

The authors of papers accepted and presented in the conference technical sessions will be invited to prepare their papers for submission to the Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science, Transactions of the SDPS

Important Dates

Papers and Workshops
Paper/Session Abstracts (optional)
Workshop Proposals (encouraged)
July 10, 2016
Paper Submission
September 30, 2016
Acceptance Notification
October 30, 2016
Final Manuscripts
November 15, 2016
Registration Opens
July 10, 2016
Early Registration Ends
November 6, 2016
Conference Reception
December 4, 2016 (evening)
Conference Begins
December 5, 2016


The University of Central Florida, founded in 1963, is the second-largest university in the nation. Located in Orlando, Florida, UCF and its 13 colleges provide opportunities to 63,000 students, offering 210 degree programs from UCF’s main campus, hospitality campus, health sciences campus and its 10 regional locations.

With a record-setting 66 million visitors in 2015, Orlando, Florida has officially become the most visited destination in the United States, and its all thanks to its world-renowned hospitality and tourism industry. Located just minutes from some of the world’s top-rated attractions, resorts, restaurants, and convention spaces, the Rosen College of Hospitality Management at the University of Central Florida provides students with an unrivaled opportunity to learn and work in the industry’s leading market. Situated in the heart of hospitality, Rosen College also looks like it belongs in a world-class destination: our 159,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art, Mediterranean resort-style campus is the largest facility ever built for hospitality management education.

Conference Documents

Paper Templates Doc, PDF Template (Word) Template (LaTeX)



Student Poster Presentation

Submission Requirements

  1. An abstract limited to 300 words. The abstract should provide the title, goals achieved, methodology, achieved results, conclusion and future work.
  2. Author listing consisting of a faculty advisor and no more than three students.

Poster Requirements

  1. Required poster size is 40” x 30” (WxH).
  2. Each poster should include: title, name of presenter(s), and affiliation of the presenter. If a University logo is presented, position the logo on the left or right corner.
  3. Use graphics and charts as needed, but also include a proportional amount of text for explanation. Balance text and graphic components. Do not overwhelm the reader with too much information. Use phrases instead of sentences as much as possible.
  4. Include references and funding sources (if any) such as NSF or NIH, etc.
  5. Each poster should include the following sections:  introduction, objectives (or aims), methods (problem solutions), results, conclusions, references, and acknowledgements.

 If you have any question please contact to poster session organizer. 

Poster session organizer: Michael Lipscomb This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.