Session Organizers

  • Dr. Bhuvan Unhelkar Univ. of South Florida, and MethodScience
  • Dr. Yi-Chen Lan Univ. of Western Sydney, Australia


The mention of Big Data brings in terms such as Hadoop and MapReduce. While these technical capabilities are at the core of Big Data, business is most likely to benefit by the alignment of these technologies to business strategies. The capability to process unstructured data (e.g. videos) and semi-structured data (e.g. emails) opens up doors to many different business models, products and services. This session aims to focus on the impact of Big Data technologies (such as Hadoop, MapReduce, NoSQL, Spark..) on strategies for business growth, optimization and compliance. Application of any of these technologies in verticals such as Telecom, Health, Travel, Education, Agriculture and Manufacturing, amongst others, are welcome.

Topics for this session include but are not limited to:

  • Impact of Big Data technologies on Business processes
  • Business process optimization with Big Data
  • Widening of business capabilities with NoSQL
  • Use of Cloud-based infrastructure to provide affordable business analytics
  • Variation in the usage of Big Data for small, medium, large and global enterprises
  • Mapping Big Data to Enterprise Architecture
  • Big Data and Sustainability
  • Big Data and Environmental responsibilities of business
  • Enhancing Collaboration amongst businesses through Big Data
  • Big Data and the Business Intelligence landscape
  • Business Capabilities for Investment, Governance and Risk control
  • Advances in software Modeling for Big Data
  • Challenges in Modeling for NoSQL
  • Performance challenges in NoSQL databases
  • SMAC-stack (Social-Mobile-Analytics-Cloud) and Big Data technologies